The New EdFi ODS Data Model and CPSI

Success builds on success. At CPSI, we have been on the leading edge of data collection and validation, working with state education agencies (SEAs) and local school districts to use K-12 standards since 1999. Our first state-level data collection project was in 2004 when we assisted Delaware with a data collection project based on the Schools Interoperability Framework (SIF) specification. Our first state EdFi ODS project design was in 2012. We are honored that the EdFi Alliance recognized our design as one to build on for other state ODS implementations.
The architecture design from CPSI reflects one major difference: we recognize that states may want to use more than one specification, such as merging SIF, CEDS and EdFi, into one ubiquitous ODS that provides data to a variety of dashboards for districts across the state. This allows for the collection of a variety of assessments from various vendors without additional programming or modifications of the source code.
CPSI’s solution, xDStudio State Enterprise Edition, is an out-of-the-box system that allows for a real time or nearly real time collection of data that can use any XML-based specification. It does not require the creation of custom databases and countless hours of project management and technical resources to create a custom ODS design.
Data collection rules and collections are centrally managed without any burden on a school district or state. The data can come from a SIF agent, an existing API or use web services in a secure manner to pass information to a state longitudinal data system. A CPSI-generated ODS can dynamically expand to include the EdFi model for the use of dashboards at the district and state level. Critical data that may reside in another state department and outside a K-12 specification can also be integrated into our solution with no additional programming.
In addition, data is validated and cleansed using the CPSI xDValidator toolset for Data Validation. Record updates are available in the ODS in a matter of minutes. CPSI’s data validation tools can run multiple threads to process hundreds of data validation rules simultaneously. Data that passes quality checks on the ODS is made available for snapshots for student performance indicators, state reporting and federal EDFacts reporting.
The CPSI xdUID system ensures that every student is assigned their proper identifier and can passes the ID back to the student information system. As the outcome, a state has a scalable, flexible and sustainable system for student identification and tracking. A student’s unique ID can be received, assigned/validated and published directly into a district’s SIS in less than 5 minutes. Students who move from one district to another are automatically flagged and the appropriate districts are notified.
CPSI can also provide states with separate aggregated database for the purpose of approved research and reporting to outside agencies that do not meet student data privacy laws or requirements. The CPSI solution can use any existing single-signon solution.
If you would like to learn more about CPSI, please visit our website You can also call us at 800-659-8240 or e-mail us at [email protected].